Foot Orthotics in shoes with no room in them?
This is always a tough challenge and can only be solved with compromises. In shoes like ballet flats, high heeled dress shoes, football boots and cycling shoes there is simply not much room in them. If foot orthotics are needed, then there is not going to be possible to get the orthotic into those shoes. …. Read More
Foam Rolling for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a mechanical problem, so the solution to it should be mechanical (in the psychosocial context). That means the primary treatment should be aimed at reducing the load on the plantar fascia or making the plantar fascia better able to take the load. I give secondary importance to any treatment that is not …. Read More
What works for plantar fasciitis?
Heel pain is the most typical musculoskeletal trouble seen by podiatrists. The most typical reason for that heel pain is a condition called plantar fasciitis. The issue with it being so common is that every person is an expert on it and also everybody has there very own magic treatment for it that they believe …. Read More
A simple solution to peroneal tendonitis
Peroneal tendonitis was one of those conditions I never used to like seeing as my success rate in treating it was typically pretty poor. Most cases seemed to have a “overpronated” foot, so what did one used to do with feet like that: foot orthotics to fix the “overpronation”! And then wonder why they were …. Read More
Whats the deal with ‘overpronation’?
I so bored writing about this, but the message is still not getting through. I always use the word ‘overpronation’ in inverted commas to signify acknowledgement of all the issues with the word. I first wrote about “overpronation” at length on my running blog. I still get annoyed at all the nonsense the goes on …. Read More
Do foot corns have roots?
Patients ask this all the time. Probably on a daily basis in most podiatry clinics. I have written about corns and roots on our clinic website to send patient’s to so that they really do understand the problem and the reason that foot corns return is due to the cause still being there and not …. Read More
Can the ‘bunion correctors’ actually correct bunions?
The bunion corrector images you see online look too good to be true, but do they help? This gets asked a lot in forums and patients often ask us. Of course the pictures make it look as though they work and those that sell the product want to convince you that they work. As I …. Read More
Can the Archie’s Arch Support Thongs help?
These Archie’s Arch Support Thongs have been getting a lot of attention in Australia. I have already blogged about why they are called thongs in Australia and flip flops in the rest of the world. We sell them in the clinic and they sell well. We are the biggest stockist of Archies thongs in Melbourne. …. Read More
Fixing Plantar Plate Tears
First it was metatarsalgia, then capsulitis, then predislocation syndrome, then plantar plate dysfunction and now its a plantar plate tear! I have always had an intriguing interest in this evolving condition and how its name change reflected how often it was recognized clinically. I have taken on a role as Brand Ambassador for the FixToe …. Read More
What to do about Sever’s Disease
Firstly, there are lots of issues going on regarding terminology of Sever’s disease versus calcaneal apophysitis. Yes, it probably should be called calcaneal apophysitis as its not a disease and its no longer appropriate to name conditions after people. I agree, but the problem is that when you look at the search engine keyword tools, …. Read More